Immune Related Products
Medicinal Mushrooms
Cleanses and Herbal Teas

Reishi - Cardiovascular Support
Reishi - Cardiovascular Support
Reishi - Cardiovascular Support
Item#: reishi

Product Description
Positive Benefits and Properties of Reishi

reduces the side effects of chem therapy/radiation – antitumoral

boost the immune system

antiviral activity

slows aging

aids in rapid wound healing

detoxifies the liver

improves circulation

increases stamina

improves blood flow

prevents clumping of platelets

reduces systemic inflammation

Increases natural killer cell activity

(Balch, P.A., 2003) (Bharadvaj, D., 2008).

*Reishi mushroom contains ganoderic acids, compounds that support and protect the liver and therefore aid in detoxification. Ganoderic acid may also have anti-cancer effects.

*Reishi protects against free radicals, protecting the body against threats and viruses.

*In Chinese medicine, reishi is also taken medicinally to boost immunity against everything from the common cold to cancer by increasing the activity of the body’s essential white blood cells.

*The reishi mushroom is famous for its soothing, relaxation and sleep-enhancing effects. It may also promote relief and mood enhancement for people dealing with anxiety or depression while alleviating fatigue.

*Reishi (G.lucidum) is a very potent adaptogen. By helping to strengthen the liver and kidneys along with aiding in detoxifying, reishi brings toxins out of the body alleviating pressure from the body. It improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, which helps in nourishing the body, removing waste and stimulating energy flow. Reishi is also showing potential benefits in improving the functioning of the adrenal glands (the organs that produce most of our hormones, including our stress hormone Cortisol) allowing an individual to better handle stress, exhaustion, and depression (Chaput, M., 2013).

DOSAGE: Standard dosages of dried reishi range from ~1,500mg (1.5 grams) to up to 9,000mg (9 grams) per day.

SIDE EFFECTS: It is recommended that reishi not be used long term (more than 3-6 months) as allergic reactions may develop. Signs of a reaction include dryness in the mouth, throat, and nasal passages as well as itchiness and rash.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

60 Vegetarian Capsules 500mg