Immune Related Products
Medicinal Mushrooms
Cleanses and Herbal Teas

WOMBman Cleansing Tea
WOMBman Cleansing Tea
WOMBman Cleansing Tea
Item#: newitem505886511

Product Description
Dong Quai Root, Red Raspberry, Dandelion Leaf, Vitex Chasteberry Fruit, Red Clover, Burdock Root, Hibiscus Flowers, White Willow Bark, Alfalfa

Benefits: Hormone balancer Blood cleanser and blood purifier Improves circulation Releases uterine and breast tumors/cyst Menstruation regulator Lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol Strengthens and tones uterus Liver and kidney detoxifier Excellent source of vitamins and trace minerals

Relieves: Hot flashes Relieves night sweats Pain reliever Vaginal dryness Headaches/Migraines Lower back pain Menstrual disorders Menopausal symptoms Anémia Cramps Muscle spasms Fluid retention Vaginal irritation Prolapsed uterus disorder Inflammation Constipation Cystitis Ovarian pain

Disclaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.